Friday, February 21, 2020

Living Conditions of Sex Workers In India

Prostitution means engaging in a sexual activity in a form of a business and a prostitute is a person who's paid for engaging in sexual activity. Though both men and women are engaged in this profession in India the ratio the women prostitutes is much higher than male prostitutes. It is the oldest profession yet the most hated profession in our country. For once the families of transgender accept them but when it comes to prostitutes even their families do not accept them and that is why they have to operate in secrecy and hide everything about their profession from their families.
Generally, there are two types of prostitution, one is indoor prostitution an another is street prostitution. Indoor prostitution is something in which works at fixed place or at some brothel and whoever wants to have physical satisfaction have to reach these brothels and choose the prostitute residing in that brothel.
Whereas in the case of street prostitution, prostitutes is chosen from the ones who are standing on the streets as to offer to engage in sexual activity and unlike indoor prostitution, they do not have any fixed place to perform their business.

Living condition in earlier times

In ancient times Rigveda mentions the word 'Sadbharni', which refers to women who offers sex for payment.
As already mentions prostitution has been in the practices from the ages, it was also mentioned in the era of Ramayana and Pandavas. In the southern India these prostitutes are known as devdasi and in north India as mukhis. These girls were considered essential at the time of offering prayers and were given the place of honor. They were also used as a spy by the kings.

Present condition

Nowadays their living condition depends the class they bears and from the places they operates. If the prostitute is indoor or the street prostitute , of-course their life will be miserable. But, in today's modern era there are some modern prostitutes also which give service in the luxury hotels to some big businessmen, politicians and some powerful elite class of people. These are specifically know as 'Escorts' or 'call girls'. They are high class prostitutes whose charges are in dollars and euros. They travel in some luxury cars and live a lavish lifestyle. Do if we considers these class of prostitute then there life is very high standard as compare to the street prostitute.
  • But the question arise. Who are these high prostitutes ? And, if they are standard part of the society then why they are in such a business.
So, the answer to this is as earlier mentioned they serve some powerful elite class people. Now to explain in detail we can take for example our Bollywood industry. There are millions of girls who works in this glamorous industry. The girls who come from the middle class family and don't have any background in the film industry. So to get them-self placed they have to give the one night stand to some big producers, directors of the film industry. Now very often after giving them service also when they are not getting there career settled in the Bollywood so to survive them-self they start giving services to the men of that class only. In this way, this world of prostitute is filled with someone's lust and with someone's tears.

Steps to be taken-

  • Committees can undertake a proper investigation with respect to the areas where prostitute live and make recommendation for improvement of these areas. 
  • The legalization of this profession can also help in the betterment of their position in society and improving their surroundings as well as there will be decrease in the human trafficking.
  • The prostitution should be legalized because once it will be made legal then automatically the harassment which these sex workers face by the police and other authorities will reduce tremendously.


There is a very strong need to treat the sex industry as any other industry and empowering it will legally safeguard the workers which would help them in getting rid exploitative and un-healthy practices.If legalization will be done then it will not only remove the chunk of problems from the prostitute's life but will also foster the men to have a comfortable sex desire getting up fulfilled. The rising number of the AIDS cases in India is alarming and the time has came to end up all these problems by hitting one shot that is by one method of legalizing. 

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